Rocket Media is trusted by the newest, largest, and fastest growing churches in America.

Discover how your church can reach more people.

Create bigger launches, welcome new guests, or reintroduce yourself to your neighborhood through digital marketing.

Schedule a FREE consultation

You can also schedule a call by giving us a call at (701) 306-1288

Trusted by the newest, largest, and fastest growing churches in America.

Maximize your churches impact with our proven strategies

Churches of every size use Rocket Media to maximize their impact in their local community.

Google Ads + SEO

Improve your church's visibility and connect with seekers by optimizing your website's SEO strategy.

Custom Websites

Elevate your church's online presence with a custom website tailored to your unique ministry and congregation.

Brand Design

Establish a strong and cohesive identity for your church with brand design that reflects your mission and values.

Startup Party Ads

Reach a wider audience and foster community engagement through targeted social and search engine ads designed specifically for churches.

YouTube Ads

Expand your church's reach and share your message effectively with YouTube ads designed to reach your target audience.

Launch Sunday Ads

Launching large is a key metric for measuring church vitality, and our dedicated team is here to assist you in achieving a significant and impactful launch.

Why is digital marketing better than mailers?

Digital Marketing vs. Mailers

Better Price



Larger Reach



More Impressions



Demographic *

Ages 25-44

Ages 57+

* Comparison based on Rocket Media Advanced Package vs. a leading church mailer company. Demographic statistics from Deloitte Digital Marketing.

Schedule a call with our church marketing experts

Rocket Media is the #1 Google Ad Agency for the local church. We currently invite over 1,000,000 people to church each month

Digital marketing provides better than print mailers.

Digital marketing provides a larger reach, with your exact demographic, offers better reach and all for a better price.

Packages that fit every budget.

In addition to our packages designed for church of every size. We offer flexible financing through Affirm. 

Stories of partnership